"The new BerTTi is an excellent new power amplifier. One that offers attractive yet compact and ergonomic styling allied to serious punching power and a highly musical disposition",— that's the verdict David Price had in his review for StereoNet UK. Obviously the little BerTTie has impressed other people at Stereonet UK in such a manner that the portal named it product of the year in the 'Power Amplifier' category, mentioning that:
"There’s a vast range of power amplifiers on sale these days, many of which look big, brutal and butch. That’s not what the BerTTi is about. Rather, it’s a midi-sized, high end ‘desktop’ design purpose-made to match Chord’s superb TT2 DAC/preamp and M Scaler. Despite its relatively diminutive dimensions, it puts out a claimed 2x 75W RMS into 8 ohms, via a bespoke-designed Class AB MOSFET output stage – not Class D, as many would expect. It uses the company’s trick technology to eke out the best sound possible from this small package. The result is a great performer that takes up no more space than a large paperback book".
Read the review on Stereonet UK.
Visit product page for more info and pricing.