"Passion and love for finest details make it possible
to create something truly great"
Gunther Frohnhoefer (CEO Acoustic Signature)
Acoustic Signature
In 1996, Acoustic Signature was established in Suessen, located in the district of Goeppingen in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Gunther Frohnhoefer, the managing director and chief developer, introduced the first high-mass turntable manufactured by Acoustic Signature just one year later. This achievement brought the company worldwide recognition and a reputation of innovators.
Acoustic Signature expanded its product range to include tonearms and analog accessories and became a prominent player in the international high-end market. Its distribution partners are located on all five continents.
Acoustic Signature in the Store
Acoustic Signature Maximus NEO
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Acoustic Signature Double X NEO
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Acoustic Signature Tornado NEO
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Acoustic Signature Hurricane NEO
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Acoustic Signature Typhoon NEO
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Acoustic Signature Montana NEO
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Acoustic Signature Ascona NEO
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Acoustic Signature Invictus Jr NEO
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Acoustic Signature Invictus NEO
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